Sunday, April 17, 2011

Interviews in a week. Not my, but Your will be done.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

But so far, Youve given me all the strength i need. Right now i could use a little extra. Also, interviews are coming up. Terrifing. Help. I love You.
Thank You for letting me find my key. I was freakin out. Thank You for MacLaren. I love him. :] this year is coming to a close and that is SO CRAZY to me. Im almost done with my first year of COLLEGE. What is this?? I have a boyfriend with whom i am in love, im in a fraternity, i have friends, lots of them. Ive moved on from some, left some behind, but some of them, the good ones, are still around. Im glad Emily and i are back together. That was 2 of the worst weeks of ever. Help me to never be that stubborn again. Help me to stay strong about this Wesley thing. Its hard for me to quit people. Im one to take somebody back over and over again. But i cant do that to myself. The principle of it! The way they treated me! But its just hard. And it was hard with Sarah. And im just not used to this kind of thing. And i never will be.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Im inducted! Brothers are we. :] im happy. And i see this as a way to be a witness. I know theres people in there that believe differently from me. And i wanna show em how im different. I love these people. But, God, be with my relationship with Mac. This still puts stress on us. I so dont want it to, though, because Youve given me such a good thing with him. I love him, i really do. And help our relationship to focus on You however it can. One of these days help him to see that to be Lutheran is to be right :] haha. Thank You for this new church that ive found. I wouldnt say its perfect, but its good and i like it. I feel like its somewhere that needs me to plug in, which is something id love to do greatly. I love You!! Thank You! Goodnight!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Thanks for the song tonight! It was just what i had been askin for :] love You!!!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Woah. Ingrid's pregnant!!! Thats soooo not what i was expecting tonight! Bless the baby that that girls gonna have! Be with Ingo as she seemed a little dissheartened. Let her know that i love her and so does eveyone else and she no less of a beautiful child of Yours. That was a pretty quick response on that last prayer tonight, huh? You must be a professional or something :] oh man. Thank you for puttin her on my heart and puttin this new baby in my heart! This is amazing! Youre such a good God. I love You!!
God, i dont know whats been up lately. Ive felt disconnected and kinda far from you. I know im not really doin anything to fix it, but i think tonight might have been just the kick in the pants i needed to get myself back on track. At least i hope it was enough. Because im dyin without You in my life; its killin me. Theres plenty of good things goin on, but i feel like ive also got a lot of hurt goin on in me. I mean, my campus ministry pretty much kicked me out. Whatever happened to love there? This month is going to be awful as far as school work goes. So many things goin on. My goodness. Give me the strength to change what i can in the world, to make better the broken, to help the hurting, to love. Help me to accept the past, live in today, and hope for tomorrow. Remind me to look for You. I love You.